Custom ERP application - Eurofins SAM

23 months
6 people

The project

Create a customized ERP application, a showcase website for 8 countries, a consumer portal and a consumer testing application. The consumer testing application gives users the opportunity to answer questions about products.

Eurofins SAM (Sensory and Consumer Research) carries out multi-country sensory and consumer research for the food, cosmetics, household, health, pharma and durable goods sectors. These studies enable R&D and marketing teams to understand consumer appreciation for their current and future products, brands, and packaging.

Following the acquisition of several companies in different countries, each entity had its own internal ERP. In 2019, Eurofins SAM launched a project to completely overhaul its ERP, with four main objectives: to streamline the ERP between the different countries, simplify the addition of new functionalities, improve performance and strengthen the application's security.

As part of this project, exFabrica has been selected to implement the technical architecture and develop this new solution. The ERP consists of approximately one hundred screens across all applications.

The exFabrica team brings a great deal of agility and know-how to our day-to-day work, as well as a valuable analysis of our needs.

Hugo Voisin, Project Manager, Eurofins

Technical proposal

We have deployed the ERP, showcase websites, consumer portal, and consumer testing application on the Azure platform. This comprehensive solution provides centralized management of various key areas such as CRM, project management, sensory studies, quotes, billing, planning, and inventory management.

The entire solution was developed using the .NET Core framework and benefits from continuous integration as well as automatic deployment across the client's various environments. Thanks to comprehensive Azure platform instrumentation, the performance of the applications (Web and API) is optimized.

Technical stack

  • .Net Core
  • Azure AD
  • Azure Sql Database
  • App Service Plan
  • Applications Insights
  • Azure Devops
  • Web Jobs

Intervention areas

  • UX/UI Design
  • Développement UI
  • Architecture
  • Développement back
  • Développement front
  • DevOps


Launch date
06 Sept 2021
Number of users
Number of concurrent users
Usecases delivered late

Client testimonial

Hugo VoisinProject Manager, Eurofins

The exFabrica team brings a lot of agility and know-how on a daily basis as well as a valuable analysis of needs.

All this, combined with an impressive technical efficiency, allows us to create a high quality application that adapts perfectly to our context.

Our exFabrica touch

exFabrica conducted UX Research, Design Sprint, and testing to validate the usability.

Training of the internal project team for tool development

Training of the internal project team on Cloud solutions