NestJS: A powerful technical stack!

NestJS is a framework for creating NodeJS server-side applications. It provides an out-of-the-box application architecture that enables developers and teams to build highly scalable, testable, loosely coupled, and easily maintainable applications.
During this last months, we hugely used NestJS and we want to share with you how this framework is efficient, structured and powerful.
NestJS is very rich and all the layers it integrates are structured and well self documented. All external integrated libraries are wrapped with quality. In fact, when you use NestJS for the first time, and you have already created APIs in another language, you quickly find yourself on familiar ground because everything is implemented respecting all the best practices!
This topic will be covered by a set of technical articles and a Git release at the end of article series.
- Install NestJS, create a monorepo project with CQRS architecture.
- The code first approach with TypeOrm.
- Unit and E2E tests with Jest.
- DTO objects with Automapper.
- Ultimate API documentation with Swagger.
Now we can begin our awesome NestJS Tour!